19 February 2012


Мечты Алисы/Dreams of Alice - MTV series (2006-2007)

Привет, Киндер!/Hi, Kinder! (2008/2009)

Фобос/Phobos (2009)

Неоконченный урок/The unfinished lesson (2009)

Золото Скифов/Scythian Gold (12 parts/2009)

Медвежий угол/Backwater district (32 parts/2009)

Треск/Bang (2009/2010)

Вторые/The second (8 parts/2009/2010)

В лесах и на горах/In forests and mountains (24 parts/2009/2010)

Set in a small town in the mid-19th century Potap Chapurin, a prosperous merchant is selling goods at a local market when he meets Maslennikov and his 20-year-old son, Yevgraf. Following a profitable deal between them, the merchants decide to celebrate and make each other’s acquaintance at the local tavern.

During the course of the evening, Maslennikov tells Chapurin that he is searching for a wife for his son, whereupon Chapurin offers to introduce Yevgraf to the young and beautiful Maria, daughter of fellow merchant Gavrila Zaletov. While the merchants agree terms, Yevgraf and Maria discover their parents’ plans and refuse to cooperate.
After all, Yevgraf has already fallen in love with a young girl whom he had rescued from a field when her cart almost overturned. What he doesn’t know, however, is that the object of his affections is the very same Maria, with whom his father, having just been introduced to her as his future daughter-in-law, has fallen in love and decided to marry himself……….

Брат и сестра/Brother and sister (2010)

Классные мужики/Cool guys (8 parts/2010)

Страшные лейтенанты/Scary lieutenants (2010)

Однажды в Ростове/Once in Rostov (2011)

Новогодняя смска/New smska (2011)

Самоубийцы/Suiciders (2011)
The main characters Tolik (Eugene Stychkin) and Alex (Alexey Vorobyov) - friends in misfortune, find themselves in neighboring hospital beds after another suicide attempt. The more the newly made friends know each other, the more clearly they understand that suicide is not easy. And they decide to stick together because as a team it is more easier to achieve success and even more fun. Soon they are accompanied by the "sportswoman, member of the Komsomol and simply beautiful" Marina (Oksana Akinshina).

Три дня лейтенанта Кравцова/
Three days in the life of Lt. Kravtsov (4 parts/2011)
Platoon commander Lt. Kravtsov (Alexey Vorobyov) reports for active duty. Military ‘fate’ allocates for such lieutenants only three days of life, on average. During this time, Kravtsov should become the commander of his troops and lead them in a hopeless attack, to save the regiment coming to the rescue. The question is, can he survive in these three days? It all seems so unfair - to die at the age of eighteen...

Деффчонки (2012) tv series/guest role as "Sergey Zvonarev"

Сокровищ озера Кабан/
Treasure of the Lake Kaban (shooting 2012 April & July/September)

Три Мушкетёра/Three Musketeers (2012/mini-series)

 Москва.Ру/Moskva.ru (2010/2012 released)

I Calcianti (shooting June/September/October 2012)

Деффчонки (2012) tv series/season 2 post-production

Людмила/Lyudmila (2012) currently shooting